Frequently using a fully electric sweeper means you need to charge the machine on a daily basis.

Frequently using a fully electric sweeper means you need to charge the machine on a daily basis. The RAVO 5 eSeries offers 3 ways to charge the battery: The first two Type 2 (IEC 62196-2) plugs are standard, and these charge the battery via an internal charger at a maximum of 22 kW/h. An advantage of this system is that the machine can also be charged for a shorter period of time without any negative impact on the life of the battery. If you want to have a fully charged battery again in no time. You can choose to use the 50 kW/h quick charge option. Using this external charger means a fully recharged battery in about two hours. 100% performance, 100% electric, 0% emission. Stay Connected! ravo fayat fayatenvironmentalsolutions RAVO5eSeries electric streetsweeper charging sustainability innovation